Gaps in Grammar Skills
You and your employees don’t have to diagram sentences to brush up on essential grammar skills. But you should recognize how much grammar...

Clarify Your Writing By Cutting Use of One Four-letter Word
If only there were one word to cut from your writing to make it more concise, clearer, what would THAT word be? Editors know the...

5 Business English Essentials for Non-native English Speakers
English is now only second to Mandarin as the most spoken language on the planet. When international business meetings occur, English...

Ban These Five Grammar “Gotchas” From Your Writing
Let’s face it: One of the most difficult aspects of English writing is the misuse and abuse of words. For nearly every rule, there’s an...

What Impresses Employers Most in Your Writing: Three Top Tips
Sure, most employers find value in the performance of employees, such as showing responsibility, skill and loyalty to the company. But...

Are you using these 10 words correctly?
It’s not alright…ah…all right…to make these mistakes: Ahold: Either it’s two words (I’ll get a hold of him later) or it’s simply hold...

Book Ideas for Writers
As the New Year gets into full swing, here are two great books to have on your shelf. These work for writers and those aspiring to...